
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Dubstep looks good in RED.

Go ahead, pay the $1.29 for Taylor Swift’s latest single “I Knew You Were Trouble."

She's created a new kind of sound, almost like she borrowed 1/3 of the dubstep genre, put the other 2/3's back, and meshed it with her usual light hearted sound we've all grown so accustomed to. The outcome is a grainy "tough-girl" feel during the chorus. Whatever her method, it's a sound that is infinitely better than her last single. But anything sounds better in juxtaposition with that tune.

I’m captivated knowing that both songs have come from the same album, and my interest is peaked, wondering what the rest of it will sound like. This song is another anthem, full of rebellion that will undoubtedly speak to the hearts of  many girls who let themselves fall into the same trap. I'm really ready to see Taylor Swift go bad-ass, maybe this is a hint of what's to come? 

I knew she could do better than her last single, and she has. Now I feel better about pre-ordering the album.

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